It often happens for the first time when we’re children, starting our first year at school. At recess, another child suggests you both play a game together, sit together at lunch, or wait together for your parents to arrive at the end of the day. These can become moments which you remember for a long time, and for good reasons: Those special, unexpected and early first meetups can develop into making what are known as “Forever Friends.

” They’re the most special friendships to come into your life. These are the friends who’ll respect your personal boundaries, or distance out of necessity, without ever losing their love for you. You can rely on them, trusting that they’ll always offer good, sound advice and never gossip about you.

Though they’re not perfect, they are accountable and will hold you to the same standard regarding the friendship you share. They treat you the same as any of their other lifetime friends, regardless of when you came into their lives. And they’re just a phone call or text message away whenever they’re aware that you need them, even if they hadn’t heard from you in a while.

That type of consistently committed forever friend is sometimes hard to find. By contrast, the person who engages with you the most on social media is not always your lifetime friend or even a true friend. He or she is only a follower of current chatter.

I’ve had quite a few strong and real friendships that lasted only for the period in which we were either in s.