ELIZABETHTON — Every Tuesday since early spring, the Elizabethton Farmer’s Market has been setting up at the Covered Bridge Park to offer the freshest of produce to the citizens of Carter County. But today’s farmer’s market will be a bit special. No, the produce will be just as good as it has been all season.

But today’s gathering of farmers and customers will observe National Farmers Market Week. Carter County Mayor Patty Woodby will be at the farmers market at 4:30 p.m.

today to read a proclamation that will be presented to the next meeting of the Carter County Commission to proclaim Carter County Farmers Market Week. The proclamation to be considered by the commission says Carter County famers “provide citizens with access to healthful, locally and regionally produced foods” through the famers market. According to the proclamation, farmers market and other agricultural direct marketing outlets across the nation contribute approximately $9 billion to the U.

S. economy each year. The proclamation also says “farmers markets serve as significant outlets by which small-to-medium, new and beginning, and veteran agricultural producers market agricultural products, generating revenue that supports the sustainability of family farms and the revitalization of rural communities nationwide.

” The National Farmers Market Week is a celebration of the role farmers markets play in providing access to fresh produce and goods. National Farmers Week is organized by the Farmer.