In the past few years, with the digital revolution, smart homes are increasingly valued and demanded by home-buyers in India as well because they offer unmatched convenience, efficiency and safety. Technology integrated have evolved from being luxury offerings to essential components of modern homes that contribute towards and enhanced energy efficiency and safety. Here are top five smart devices essential to make your life easy.

Smart locks The new smart locks these days provide a keyless safety system in digital locks which eliminate the need for keys, which can be lost or copied without authorization. The superior biometric access which includes finger or facial recognition enhances safety. The idea is to allow users to give family members their own codes and temporary, time-restriction access for service providers; remote unlocking enables emergency entry from anywhere in the world.

Logs of who unlocked your door at what time (including auto-locking), data with regards to whether the keyhole is in use, and audible alarms for when someone tries to tamper with the lock provide additional security. Smart smoke detectors Protect your home from fire hazards with intelligent smoke detectors. These devices sound early alarms associated with smoke and carbon monoxide-thus initiating a chain of responses in the event of an emergency.

Some other advanced features include real-time notifications on your smartphone, voice alarms that help in pinpointing the location and type of threa.