This November, voters in the area served by Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut will be faced with a $750-million general obligation bond, Measure V , to finish ongoing construction and renovate infrastructure at the campus. If the measure — which Mt.

SAC trustees approved for the ballot in April — wins at least 55% approval this Nov. 5, property owners within Mt. SAC’s service districts in East San Gabriel Valley would contribute about $15 for every $100,000 their property is valued to Mt.

SAC, according to President Martha Garcia. For example, Garcia explained, “Let’s say that someone who owns a half-a-million-dollar home, they would be paying $75 a year and that would go to Mt. SAC.

” The money raised for the bond will be used on a list of projects, including the campus’s Technology and Health Building. “We do need about $80 million from it to complete the Technology and Health building, because we don’t have enough money to complete it,” Garcia said. The Technology and Health Building will be four-levels and will support 10 different departments and 26 programs.

According to Tilden Coil’s website, the construction company boasts that this project will be the largest building on any California community college campus. However, the 270,000-square-foot project sits as a hole in the center of Mt. SAC’s campus and finances.

“If [the bond] is not approved, we have to get a loan to finish the Technology and Health building, because if we don’t get that .