A Non-governmental organization, eHealth Africa in partnership with the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) has piloted a new digital innovation to ensure accurate and effective planning of polio vaccination and other routine immunization activities in Nigeria. Speaking at the pilot workshop in Kaduna State, the Program Manager of eHealth Africa, Abubakar Shehu, said the name of the digital innovation is Planfeld. He demonstrated the innovation to primary healthcare workers and stakeholders showing how the Planfeld application can be used to develop accurate micro plans and monitor vaccination activities.

Shehu said: “Planfeld application will help develop a micro plan which enables us to know the number of settlements that we are targeting, the number of children in those settlements and what quantity of vaccine we need to plan for that activity. “Previously, developing a micro plan manually, especially for polio vaccination activities usually takes at least four days but with the digitization of micro plan using technology, it will take only less than 30 minutes.” According to Shehu, the digitization of micro-planning for vaccination activities will ensure that more settlements are reached with public health interventions.

“For immunization to achieve the desired objective, it needs to reach at least 80 per cent of the target population. “Thus, we decided to develop such an application using technology that can accurately derive a microplan wi.