Egypt has joined the United Nations in commemorating International Day of Peace, calling on the international community to end ongoing wars and strengthen peace processes. Egypt, a founding member of the UN, has long been at the forefront of global peacemaking efforts, advocating for a fair and equitable international order that respects international law and achieves the development aspirations of all people. This, Egypt argues, is a vital guarantee for safeguarding international peace and security.

Beyond its global efforts, Egypt has also been active in promoting peace in its own region. It has worked to preserve national institutions and empower them to fulfil their responsibilities in countries facing crises, particularly in Libya, Sudan and Somalia. Egypt’s contributions go beyond active participation in relevant peace talks, and it also leverages its capabilities to support these neighbouring countries in overcoming their current challenges and restoring peace and stability.

Egypt has been a pioneer in proposing a comprehensive approach to international peace and security, encompassing peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding. This was during its recent membership in the UN Security Council in 2016/2017, and Egypt has similarly contributed to the establishment of the African Peace and Security Architecture with these three pillars. Egypt has also shared its vision for global governance at the Aswan Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development, hosted in July.

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