Ghanaian socialite and actress Efia Odo has shared a dramatic and unsettling story from her past, revealing that she unknowingly dated an ex-convict who took her on a dangerous date in a stolen vehicle. The two had met at a mutual friend’s party and had been dating for a few months, during which Odo was unaware of her boyfriend’s criminal past. Speaking about the incident, Odo recounted how, during her time in New York, she was involved in a tense encounter with the police.

While on a date with her boyfriend, the pair ran a red light, prompting police to signal them to pull over for a traffic violation. However, her boyfriend refused to stop, leading to a high-speed chase with four police vehicles in pursuit. Confused and alarmed, Odo was in disbelief when her boyfriend revealed that their vehicle had been stolen, and he was attempting to avoid being caught.

The situation escalated when her boyfriend eventually slowed down, abandoned the car, and fled on foot, leaving Odo feeling betrayed and abandoned. The police subsequently detained her, who informed her of her boyfriend’s criminal history, which included attempted robbery, among other offences. At the time, Odo was young and, given her lack of involvement in the crimes, was not prosecuted, a fact that she was deeply grateful for.

Odo reflected on the harrowing experience, stating, “There was this one time I was dating this guy, and while we were out on a date, he ran a red light. The police tried to pull us over, .