BENGALURU: I have noticed whenever I meet with my ilk (people), my soul feels uplifted and I’m back to feeling that there is a purpose for my existence. I have been put on terra-firma, to fly like there is no horizon, to dance like no one is watching, to motivate and be motivated, to laugh, sing and all the things that don’t contribute much to one’s financial kitty but torrentially pour down on you artistically. It fulfils some deep-seated need to contribute and be surrounded with beautiful-talent.

From a very young age I was irresistibly drawn toward all types of performing arts. I could sing, dance, act, draw and make people laugh. My mom often called me a ‘nautanki’ (drama queen) and I would beam with pride at being called one! Right through school and college, I was popular, because I would light up the moment I hit the stage.

Even now, my heart lifts and my artistic genes sing (don’t call me a snob now) every time I am in an artistic space. My soul-sistah and friend, a danseuse par-excellence Madhu Nataraj invited me to witness ‘poetry-in-motion’, a dance ballet by her institute, Natya STEM Dance Kampni. As she eloquently stated: ‘Kathas retold through vintage and contemporary choreographies’.

The beauty of the shows that Madhu presents is that she herself becomes the ‘kathakar’ or story-teller weaving a mesmerising tale of how historical veracity coexists with artistic resilience! It was an exercise in sheer beauty. The clap of the dancer’s fee.