The 2024 summer travel season is breaking records, with the percentage of summer trips scheduled for post-Labor Day rising from 12% in 2022 to a staggering 17% in 2024, per the Deloitte summer travel survey. This surge, fueled by ongoing workplace flexibility, extends the traditional summer travel season into September, with more travelers choosing vacations beyond the usual end-of-August cutoff. United States airlines expect to carry a record number of passengers this summer.

Their industry trade group forecasts 271 million travelers will fly between June 1 and August 31, a 6.3% increase from last summer. On July 4th weekend, typically considered one of the busiest summer travel days, more than 3 million people passed through U.

S. airport security in a single day, a record according to the U.S.

Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Eight of the ten busiest days in TSA’s history have come this year as the number of travelers tops pre-pandemic levels. Nearly half (48%) of respondents to the Deloitte travel survey plan say they plan to take vacations this summer.

Still, they are also watching the price tag. Although financial confidence is similar to summer 2023, the perception of inflated fares and fees affects every aspect of travel. More than 1 in 3 American travelers are willing to go into debt for their summer vacations this year.

This apparent paradox, record travel alongside prohibitive costs, can be attributed to a few factors. The biggest is the division of i.