A new luxury perfume has been launched for . Barking mad owners can splash £85 for the scent by . The Italian fashion house has dubbed the smell of Fefé a “masterpiece”.

But a sniffy animal expert dismissed it as a waste of cash. The spray is named after the brand’s co-founder Domenico Dolce’s pet pomeranian who he became “immediately bewitched” by. It is the first time a big fashion chain has diversified into dog perfume.

D&G said the scent was approved by vets, enjoyed by mutts and safety tested. But Fabian Rivers, a welfare ambassador for the RSPCA, said that most dog toiletries are “lowbrow products” and cost less than £15. He explained: “The fact that they’re coming into this market at such a high price is an interesting way of having people spend their money on things that have very little merit.

“But it’s your choice on how to spend your money. “Clearly, a wealthier demographic are finding new ways to spend their money, which I find frustrating at a time when people are struggling.” He was also skeptical as to whether dogs would like it.

Mr Rivers added: “It wouldn’t surprise me if they found the smells distracting or unpleasurable.”.