Natalie is proud to call herself a working mum (Image: Natalie Cassidy/Maltesers/Cover Images) TV icon Natalie Cassidy is voicing her support for working mums, highlighting the often unseen struggles they face. The 41-year-old mother-of-two is speaking out as new research reveals that one in five (18%) working mums are effectively putting in an extra eight hours of work at home each day on top of their regular jobs. The average number of unseen hours for mothers is just under five.

However, many working mums feel unable to discuss these challenges openly, with nearly a fifth (18%) feeling they can't talk about their parenting responsibilities at work because it's not considered appropriate. Almost three in five (59%) admit to using their holiday days to care for sick children, and over a third (34%) have concealed the fact they had little or no sleep due to looking after their children the night before. The study by Maltesers found that almost half (47%) of working mums would feel happier and less overwhelmed if their colleagues were more aware of their additional parental duties.

A quarter (26%) believe it would positively impact their mental health. A third (33%) of people believe that a simple tea break and a listening ear can significantly alleviate mental stress, with a fifth (19%) considering their workmates an essential part of their support system. As the school summer holidays are in full swing, nearly two-thirds (63%) of working mothers report increased pressure at .