SOAPS always work best when there’s a raging killer on the loose - and now EastEnders are testing that theory. When you think of iconic serial killers in soap - it’s always the ones that enjoy it that go down in history . Corrie’s Richard Hillman and Pat Phelan, and Emmerdale’s delicious Meena Jutla - murders never seemed to be a chore for them.

Viewers like to watch people enjoying themselves - even if their favourite past time involves going through their neighbours like a knife through butter. Sometimes literally. The least favourite killers are guilt-stricken murderers who blunder their way through killings wishing they hadn’t.

Read more on EastEnders It’s dull and not enjoyable as a viewer. Corrie’s Stephen Reid’s killing spree was barely made a blip in Weatherfield - or with viewers. He killed nonentities that viewers didn’t care about, seemed constantly frustrated with himself and was about as enjoyable to watch as Love Island .

Seriously, let it die, ITV . I beg you. I fear creepy drip Reiss Colwell could be the latter and following in the footsteps of Stephen.

Most read in Soaps Viewers watched him murder his comatose wife Debbie earlier this week in the least secure private hospital in existence. Not only did he manage to get in without being noticed, he sat down and had a long chat with his consciousness-challenged other half, before sobbing and smothering her with a pillow. Forgive me for being blunt but if I’m going to watch a murder on a soap.