Jessie Wallace who plays Kat Slater on the show has been appearing on and off since 2000. Recently, the actress was stopped by the popular E Pellicci Cafe in Bethnal Green. Owners of E Pellicci shared Wallace's visit on Instagram and revealed she recreated her iconic scene from EastEnders.
A post shared by @pelliccicafe In the video, Wallace recreates the "You ain't' my mother!" scene with members of staff and the customers. The scene was from an episode in 2001 which saw Kat reveal that her 'sister' Zoe was actually her daughter. As Zoe screamed: "You ain't my mother" to which Kat revealed: "Yes, I am!" Captioning the video, E Pellicci Cafe wrote on Instagram: "When our GORGEOUS and super lovely friend @jessie.
wallace_official performs one of the most iconic lines ever @bbceastenders in a packed cafe. (function (d, s, n) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; js = d.
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