Chad Bird’s life has mirrored the dramatic highs and lows of the biblical narrative, marked by profound success, devastating failure, and deep personal tragedy. In his mid-30s, he faced a career collapse and years of despair, and in 2022, he endured the heart-wrenching loss of both his son and father within just three months. "In other words, mine has been a 'biblical life,'" said Bird, a Tyler resident.

“God has used each of these experiences to mold me and my writing in such a way as to focus on his grace and mercy in times of need." As an author from East Texas, Bird brings his journey, rich experiences and deep scholarship to his writing, offering readers a unique perspective on biblical and theological themes with his latest book 'Hitchhiking with Prophet.' “The Old Testament is confusing and daunting to many people, so I want them to get the big picture, feel comfortable with the major characters, and get excited about diving into the story on their own,” Bird said.

According to Bird, ‘Hitchhiking with Prophets’ is structured around "rides" with key figures from the Old Testament — patriarchs, kings, and prophets — where readers hear their stories and learn how they contribute to the overarching salvation narrative leading to the Messiah. “Every chapter begins with a new storyteller, such as David or Isaiah, pulling up to give us a ride through the next section of the biblical narrative,” he said. “They drive us out of Egypt, through the Sinai wild.