The E Ink color-changing Prism 3 e-paper display tech has now found its way to the ladies’ handbag. As reported, the Belgian luxury leather goods brand Delvaux has introduced a limited series handbag at the Paris Fashion Week featuring the Prism 3 e-paper panel. No wonder this provides a whole new dimension to the concept of luxury handbags that we have known of so far.

With the option to change the display pattern at your own will, this allows you to flaunt your style unlike any other we have ever seen before. In the end, what you have is not just a handbag, it’s a bold statement of elegance and sophistication. It being an E Ink display, there is just the minimum drain on battery power.

As is already known, there is no power drawn when the image is static, requiring only a small amount of power when the display changes. The pattern to be displayed can be programmed easily. The Prism 3 e-paper panel itself is quite durable while still being flexible.

You shouldn’t need any elaborate maintenance routine for the bag, apart from ensuring a consistent power supply. The reflective nature of the display makes it easy to merge with the surroundings while still being unique. “E Ink has explored how to integrate our films into textiles for a number of years,” said Tim O’Malley, Associate Vice President of E Ink’s US Business Unit.

“In Delvaux we found a partner that had the vision to imagine new possibilities in how the two materials could work together harmoniously. T.