Step into the enigmatic world of Hashan Cooray, known for his special approach that transcends traditional boundaries, he intricately weaves together drawing, painting, digital art, installation, and mixed media collage to challenge conventional notions of portraiture. His thought-provoking creations capture the psyche of individuals immersed in a world saturated with nationalism, capitalism, and consumerism. Hashan Cooray On an average day in the life of Hashan, a seasoned creative head at Ogilvy, bringing 14 years of expertise, as Hashan explains balancing structured and unstructured tasks, he immerses in a 24×7 creative engagement where ideas constantly brew, transcending conventional work hours.

Drawing inspiration from unpredictable moments, Hashan emphasizes the importance of time management in capturing and refining concepts. While lacking a formal art education, he leverages advertising’s structured approach to apply strategic thinking to creative endeavors. Family support and a flexible upbringing have shaped his creative mindset, enabling a unique blend of freedom and effectiveness in managing time and fostering innovation.

In an interview with Youth magazine, Hashan Cooray explained the inspiration behind his latest exhibition, ‘Dystopia,’ currently showcased at the Saskia Fernando Gallery until 20th July. Exploring themes of oppression, resistance, and societal control, Cooray’s intense gestural paintings and immersive installations offer viewers to think.