We’re a week away from what will certainly be another exciting and event-filled regular season in the NFL . Will the Chiefs pull off a three-peat? Will we be surprised by a lower-odds team rising to the top? Will we have to endure more tortuous coverage about the Harbaugh brothers? For my last article of the preseason, I’d like to talk about a few risers and fallers, while also mixing in a couple random thoughts about my 25+ years playing this great game. After all, not every story needs to be about metrics, rankings and nose-to-grindstone strategy and maneuvering.

We have to keep it fun! Otherwise, why play? Advertisement Dive in with me, won’t you? It’s not what you may be thinking. Over the years, the number of dynasty teams I manage has been ticking up like the cost of a restaurant burger — I now manage 14 teams and have yet to give one up. But, if you are anything like me, it’s difficult to manage the conflict of feelings related to having multiple teams, thus, multiple players, scoring big for you in one league while doing the same against you in another.

It had been a problem for years. About 10 years ago, I made a big switch in my play that has paid off immeasurably in the amount of enjoyment I receive each week during the regular season — 13 teams with a bloodlust mentality to win and one team of my favorite players to watch and stand on the couch rooting for. This small change greatly impacted my Sunday joy.

The concept is a simple one. In all but one .