Friday, August 16, 2024 Dubrovnik, Croatia is grappling with severe over tourism , according to a recent report by a German holiday rental website. The study, which utilized 2023 data from Euromonitor, reveals that the city now faces the highest tourist-to-resident ratio in Europe with 27 visitors for every inhabitant. Dubbed the “Pearl of the Adriatic,” Dubrovnik has long been a sought-after destination.

Its allure has only intensified over the years, particularly with the rise of cruise tourism and the cultural impact of the popular TV series Game of Thrones, which featured the city’s iconic Old Town. As a result, the influx of tourists has reached unprecedented levels, making over tourism a pressing issue for the city’s residents and local authorities. The surge in tourism is not unique to Dubrovnik.

Across Europe, popular tourist hotspots have seen a steady increase in visitor numbers, a trend that was briefly halted by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with travel restrictions lifted, these cities are once again feeling the strain of over tourism. Dubrovnik’s Response to Over tourism In response to the growing concerns, the Dubrovnik Tourist Board has initiated several measures aimed at managing the overwhelming tourist traffic.

Among these efforts is the implementation of a predictive visitor management system, designed to anticipate and control the number of tourists entering the city. Additionally, the tourist board has introduced restrictions on cruise ship a.