Miss LTF has had an age long struggle with dry skin. She’s a fashion freak just like her mum and acquisition of ornaments is actually her passion. There is a particular brand of lotion that’s been just fine on her skin over the years, but the fashion adventurer in her craved for something new.

This craving got a push from her friend who introduced her to a ‘’much more better fragranced moisturizer which keeps the skin glowing all day’’. She started the application almost immediately and all was well until 2 months after when she started noticing dry flakes all over her body!. She discontinued the usage subsequently but the flakes have refused to disappear despite using several suggested brands, she just does not know where to turn to.

.. What it is Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling, itching, and cracking.

It can occur for a variety of reasons. One might have naturally dry skin. But even if the skin tends to be oily, you can develop dry skin from time to time.

Dry skin can affect any part of the body. It commonly affects hands, arms, and legs. Types of dry skin Dermatitis is the medical term for extremely dry skin.

There are several different types of dermatitis. Contact dermatitis Contact dermatitis develops when the skin reacts to something it touches, causing localized inflammation. Irritant contact dermatitis can occur when your skin’s exposed to an irritating chemical agent, such as bleach.

Allergic contact dermatitis can develop when y.