Earlier this year, I spoke to a young man from Stranraer about the reasons that he and his group of friends had started using drugs. “Life is terrible on drugs, life is terrible off drugs,” he said. “You may as well get high.

” I was thinking of him yesterday, when an annual report from the National Records of Scotland revealed that there were 1,172 drug misuse deaths in 2023, an increase of 12 per cent compared with 2022. Scotland has a long and deep-rooted issue with harmful substance use. The Scottish Government has responded to this by creating a National Mission to reduce drug-related deaths and improve lives impacted by drugs.

It has also embraced forward-thinking approaches, such as approving plans for the UK's first official safer consumption facility. And across the country, organisations like WithYou are delivering effective and innovative services, staffed by people who are deeply committed to helping their clients to get better. But, as the National Records of Scotland report shows, all this hard work simply isn’t enough.

My heart goes out to all those who have lost a loved one; and who may be feeling distressed and understandably angry today. To effectively tackle this public health crisis, I believe we need to come together as a society to interrogate what makes so many of our citizens use drugs - and alcohol - in a way that is harmful. We need to understand why people, like the young man I spoke to in Stranraer, are finding life so “terrible” that .