A notorious drug kingpin, Luis Manuel Picado Grijalba, alias “Shock,” was apprehended in London after his wife’s social media activity inadvertently revealed their luxurious vacation locations. Grijalba, 43, had been on the radar of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for orchestrating cocaine exports from Costa Rica. His capture marks a significant victory in the ongoing fight against international drug trafficking.

Lavish Vacation Turns Into a Trap Grijalba and his wife, Estefania McDonald Rodriguez, embarked on an extravagant New Year’s holiday, traveling to iconic destinations like Paris, Rome, Venice, and Japan. Throughout the trip, Rodriguez shared photos on her social media accounts, featuring landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Trevi Fountain, as well as snapshots from upscale hotels. Unbeknownst to the couple, DEA agents were closely monitoring their digital trail.

The posts provided crucial clues, leading authorities to Grijalba’s location. With assistance from the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA), Grijalba was arrested near London Bridge on December 29. The operation followed an arrest warrant issued by Costa Rican authorities at the DEA’s request.

Randall Zuniga, director of Costa Rica’s Judicial Investigation Agency (OIJ), confirmed the arrest, stating that Grijalba was detained at a London airport in collaboration with international agencies. Grijalba’s criminal record extends far beyond drug trafficking. The Nicaraguan-born, na.