Drivers are being hit with astronomical car insurance quotes - with some as high as £60,000 for vehicles worth just £4,000. This plight was highlighted when Deniz, better known as Deniztalks on TikTok , shared a quote showing an annual price of £60,862, set to expire in 13 days. Reacting in disbelief, Deniz said: "In what world do I get quoted £60,000 to insure a car worth £4,000? I don't know what war crimes they think I'm going to commit with this vehicle but it shouldn't cost that much.

"Maybe I'm being too truthful. I'm trying to follow the law. I'm not trying to front, I'm not trying to put in wrong details.

This is going to be parked on a driveway. Yes, this is my real address. Yes, I'm going to drive this many miles.

I'm being truthful and this is what I get?" He further expressed frustration at the irony of having invested "time, money and effort" to acquire a driving licence only to face such exorbitant costs, insisting that "it has to be a mistake". "I could talk about this all day," he went on to say. "This is not a funny situation at all, because I'm never going to be able to drive.

I'm going to be 37 going for insurance quotes because I'm honest. I'm not going to lie to these insurance companies. And this is what I get for it.

" Gus Park, managing director of AA Insurance Services, said generally: "Every day more than 500 vehicles are broken into, while 350 are stolen. Despite the year-on-year reduction for these offences, the figures are simply too high. Unf.