Parking can be a difficult task to complete, but a very important one as a driver. Now one motorist on TikTok revealed a simple two-step method to nail your manoeuvre every time Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Scoring big grades in your driving test means you need to be able to nail every little thing. Mastering the art of roundabouts and safely indicating are just some of the most important things about driving.

But another major skill you need to have is parking. It's no secret many people might find the manoeuvre rather challenging. But whether you like it or not, you'll need patience and bravery to be able to nail parking every single time.

Now one motorist on TikTok revealed a simple two-step method to conquer it each time you're behind the wheel. User @chequanxiaoqiao, who boasts 2.4million followers, captioned the post: "Challenge to enter the parking spaces on the left and right.

" In the video, she said these two methods for reversing into a parking space were both for SUVs and Sedans. She also claimed if you can't learn after watching, then "come and hit" her. First up for a parking space on the right, start by driving forward along the parking space line.

The user added: "When the right rearview mirror aligns with the corner of the garget parking space, then turn the steering whe.