If you took your theory test today, would you pass? It seems many people are confused about a set of particular road markings - even the ones who have been driving for many years Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters No matter how long you've been driving, there always seem to be some symbol or road marking you don't know the meaning of. And it seems many motorists have just learned what one particular road marking means, even after driving for many years. Some even thought it meant something completely different.

The revelation came when driving instructor Annie Winterburn, owner of Spot On Driving, uploaded a video to TikTok in the hope of teaching others about road markings - a topic which often comes up on theory tests. In the recent clip, she said "so many people are getting mixed up" with one particular road marking - when there are two lines on a kerb. Explaining what they mean, Annie said: "Yellow lines on the road mean no waiting.

Waiting is the same as parking. So when you see two yellow lines painted on the road you can stop to drop somebody off, you can stop to pick somebody up, but you're not allowed to wait there. You're not allowed to park there.

" If the lines were red, Annie explained that would mean no stopping at all. "It would be a red route. It might be somewhere like London .