Disgraced YouTube streamer Dr Disrespect promises he’ll be back ‘soon’, as fans speculate that he might move to Kick. The biggest scandal in the streamer space at the moment is YouTuber Guy ‘Dr Disrespect’ Beahm admitting that he had inappropriate conversations with a minor , and that that was the reason he was mysteriously banned from Twitch in 2020. Following his admission, Dr Disrespect was booted out of the game studio he co-founded, was demonetised on YouTube, and lost tens of thousands of fans .

However, he’s now deleted his confession tweet, and while he originally said he was going on holiday with his family he’s now preparing to make good on his promise/threat to return to streaming. In a new tweet Dr Disrespect says, ‘Vacation is just too good right now. We’ll be back soon though, Champs.

We have lots to talk about.’ There are no details about exactly when that will be but if he’s still demonetised on YouTube then he’ll likely have to find another place to stream. It always looked likely that he would return at some point, as not only did he say so in his admission tweet, he also posted a picture of himself in front of a chessboard two weeks ago, seemingly alluding to him planning his next move.

Fans commented on the post, calling him out for what he’d done, but Dr Disrespect didn’t seem to have any regrets, calling his critics ‘brainwashed’ and ‘depressed’ . He also added a new banner image to his Twitter page, of a fishing float.