DP rams three controversial bills through Assembly amid PPP boycott Published: 19 Sep. 2024, 17:50 MICHAEL LEE lee.junhyuk@joongang.

co.kr A bill to establish a special counsel probe into various allegations against first lady Kim Keon Hee passes in the absence of People Power Party lawmakers in the National Assembly on Thursday. [YONHAP] The liberal Democratic Party (DP) railroaded three contentious bills through the National Assembly on Thursday amid a boycott by the government-aligned People Power Party (PPP).

The first bill, which passed with support from 167 lawmakers from the DP and other parties, calls for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate first lady Kim Keon Hee for her alleged involvement in a stock price manipulation scheme, her acceptance of a luxury bag from a Korean American pastor and her purported interference in the PPP’s candidate nomination process ahead of the April 10 general election. The bill sets the initial length of the probe at 90 days and allows it to be extended twice by 30 days each time. It also allows the DP and another liberal party to nominate one person each to serve as a special counsel and the president to select one of the nominees.

The leader of the minor liberal Rebuilding Korea Party, Cho Kuk, claimed on Thursday that accusations of Kim meddling in the PPP nomination process would warrant President Yoon Suk Yeol’s impeachment if they were found to be true. “Presidential interference in party nominations is illegal.