Iced tea is open to broad flavor experimentation, whether that's as simple as a squeeze of lemon or as nuanced as a bouquet garni . Even the tea you use to make it varies from one person to another for every reason from preference to tradition. To help us hack through the weeds of endless possibility, we asked Jordan G.

L. Hardin , the director of food and beverage for Alfred , about his exclusive tips for the best add-ins and enhancers for iced tea (and what teas to use with them). Hardin's biggest tip is to steep your tea with fruit.

Calling it "a classic for a reason," he says that the process "adds a unique flavor profile that can complement the natural aromatics of tea while also imparting natural sweetness and/or acidity." But, he stresses that "we're not limited to just fruit pairing — think over classic cocktail or dessert pairings for inspiration." Delicious iced tea add-in suggestions from Jordan G.

L. Hardin Broad advice is perfect for the naturally adventurous, but sometimes plain-and-simple suggestions are the better springboard. If you're a fruit fan, you're in luck — Jordan G.

L. Hardin gave us no less than three pairings to try, all with unique teas and fruits. He suggests apricots for black tea, strawberries or oranges for green tea, and peaches or nectarines for white tea – white tea with pears is also delicious.

It's important to note that these fruits are all sliced so that their juices and flavors can best blend with your tea. This also makes them easi.