If you sit down for a coffee with someone in the European nation of Croatia , prepare to be snubbed if you take off after ten minutes. That's because spending less than half an hour having coffee with someone is considered rude in the holiday hotspot. Meanwhile in the tiny country of San Marino, which sits inside Italy block off plenty of time if you're invited for a drink.

READ MORE: The key things to know about visiting Paris on the cheap That's because you can expect to spend a couple of hours at the table. These are just some of the weird travel etiquette 'rules' unearthed in a new study.  Remitly says is reviewed Google search data of etiquette rules for over 180 countries around the world.

It found plenty of bizarre claims. For instance, in the Czech Republic, you should place a coaster over a drink when you have finished, otherwise you'll be get served more. Speaking of drinking it's technically illegal to be drunk in a pub in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland.

The old law dates back to the 1800s however, so don't be too worried. READ MORE: Most beautiful places along the Western Australia coastline Over in South America, never mix mango and milk when visiting Brazil, just in case the unlikely concoction was something you had planned. Plus if visiting someone's home or dining out in Colombia, avoid eating with you hands, as this can be considered rude.

It's similar in Venezuela, where even fruit is eaten with a knife and fork. Africa has plenty of interestin.