1 Tell us about your Fringe show My show is called, ‘So My Dad F*cked the Nanny’. Please don’t let the title scare you. It is a comedy.

And it is sillier than it is serious. The show is about me, my parents, their delicious love lives, and the effect on me. The show explores whether we are destined to become one of our parents, and replay all the mistakes they made in order to make sense of them.

That being said, it is also a wild tale of lies, lust, deception and redemption. 2 How does it feel to be playing the Fringe for the first time? It is very exciting and nerve racking to throw my hat in the ring and do the Edinburgh Fringe . I love taking risks though, and whether I’m met with acclamation or humiliation, I’m so glad to have the opportunity to perform.

I can see it is a right of passage for all British and many international acts and it’s a huge honour to play a tiny role in something I can see is so much bigger than myself. 3 Why did you decide to perform at the Fringe? Everything has to align to decide to perform at the Fringe: the drive, the timing, and the means. A feeling of ‘it’s now or never’, has to finally push you over the edge to register your show for the fringe.

I’m hoping to procreate in the future, so I really wanted to do my first Edinburgh fringe show before that. 4 If you were not a performer what would you be doing? I’d love to be a firefighter. I just lack the upper body strength.

And I can imagine how scary it would be if I wa.