Reflecting on the glory of his new photobook, Donald Trump writes, “No other book compares to Save America ,” which is an extraordinary claim from a man who just a few months ago was hawking copies of the Bible. But Save America is, indeed, a singular production – literally a steal at $US99 (plus $US11 for shipping). Many of the hundreds of photos were drawn from the Donald J.

Trump Presidential Library, a federally funded oxymoron. Trump’s coffee table book features the iconic assassination attempt photo on the cover. Credit: Getty Images Part retrospection, part revenge, part fantasy, Save America was released last week by Winning Team, a right-wing publishing house founded by Sergio Gor and Donald Trump Jr to promote books by Trump and other literary luminaries such as Kari Lake and Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Arriving just two months before the presidential election, Save America would seem well-positioned to serve as a visual campaign biography. But rather than argue for returning Trump to the White House, the book’s captions – written in Trump’s enthusiastic style of capitalisation, like a fascist Emily Dickinson – suggest that he never really left. Indeed, this is a volume too pure to be sullied by campaign details.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are barely mentioned. I spotted JD Vance only once and without identification or comment. Hannibal Lecter gets more ink.

Oh yes, there are passing mentions of a strong military; the need to stop illegal immigration, w.