A Wiltshire charity that helps people who have been subjected to domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking has opened its first retail store in Trowbridge. FearFree’s first pop-up charity store opened its doors for the first time on Thursday, October 17 at the Gateway shopping centre in Bythesea Road. Former FearFree service user and supporter, Sam Camden cut the ribbon before the store opened its doors and shoppers were welcomed in.

The new FearFree charity retail store is located at the Gateway shopping centre in Trowbridge. (Image: Trevor Porter) Enjoy a better reading experience with the Times As a digital subscriber, you will get: 🔵Fewer adverts 🔵Unlimited access to stories 🔵Full access to our app and digital edition of the paper Check out the latest digital subscription sale https://t.co/ZYCIb8VHdl "> https://t.

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com/TPm0549azU It also has an in-store Sanctuary to provide a safe place for people to contact the FearFree team for support. This means that people can access help and support outside their home without leaving a digital footprint on their mobile phone or computer. FearFree chief executive officer, Claire Marshall said: “It’s an immense privilege to open FearFree’s first ever store which marks a huge milestone in the charity’s history.

“As well as providing an exciting retail option, our new store offers volunteering opportunities and a fabulous calendar of in-store events making it a h.