Carrying out just one simple task three times a week could make a " significant improvement" to your health with a lowered blood pressure and a reduced risk of a heart attack. Experts are now urging people not to skip this step and rather than thinking of it as a luxury, see it as a way to benefit your health. According to UCLA Health , sauna bathing has many benefits other than just relaxing you.
The experts explains that this type of heat therapy can reach temperatures between 158F and 212F - or 70C to 100C. It’s considered dry heat with "the relative humidity in a typical sauna tends to stay between 10% and 20%", they explain. But many people don't know that just sitting in a sauna can make a huge difference to your heart.
According to UCLA Health : "The heat can raise your skin temperature and cause heavy sweating — just a short time in the sauna can produce a pint of sweat. As your body attempts to keep cool, your heart rate increases and may reach 100-150 beats per minute. Sauna bathing (and an increased heart rate) causes your blood vessels to open, increases circulation and reduces stress levels — like the effects of low or moderate exercise.
" This means that it is great for lowering your blood pressure with evidence across the last few decades showing that being in a sauna "has an immediate positive effect on blood pressure". But for even better results, it's suggested to use the sauna for 15 minutes after a workout and by doing this three times a week, "result.