She is so traumatised by her past she thinks everybody wants to hurt her - but rescuers refuse to give up on finding her a home. Little Sweetpea, who is three-years-old, was rescued from abusers in Romania and flew over to the UK for a second chance at life. The small mixed breed is currently at Oakwood Dog Rescue in Hull - but is in desperate need of a loving home.

A statement reads: "She was extremely fearful when she arrived and clearly thought something bad was about to happen to her. "She was screaming a noise that is very rarely heard and was doing everything she could to prevent us from being able to get near her on the van. We took our time with her and was eventually able to lift her out of her cage and carry her into one of our secure fields.

" After about 20 minutes, something 'clicked' inside her little head and she realised she was safe with the rescue team. It adds: "There were two handlers at the transport drop off and Sweetpea was literally running from one to another giving cuddles, kisses and begging for tickles. It was amazing to see the difference in her in such a short space of time.

She no longer needs to be scared at the hands of humans again." Sweetpea doesn't enjoy the company of other dogs , cats and cannot live with children under 14-years-old. She doesn't have any form of basic training - and will need to learn to trust her new owners before any training will be possible.

The statement concludes: "Sweetpea can not yet walk on a collar or harness and.