Many people believe zinc, an essential mineral found in almost every cell, is akin to a magic pill able to keep sniffles at bay and also help with weight loss . That may be why so many people take zinc supplements , despite that most people in the United States get adequate amounts of this mineral from food. But does science back up those immune-boosting and calorie-burning beliefs? Experts suggest there’s some truth to the claims.

Health benefits of zinc Like other essential vitamins and minerals, zinc supports overall health. “Zinc is involved in the activity of many biochemical and metabolism-related reactions in the body,” Kathleen Garcia-Benson , a registered dietician nutritionist tells Fortune . In fact, it is second only to iron in its concentration in the body.

Many people believe that taking zinc supplements can help prevent or stop colds. However, studies show there’s little to no evidence that zinc can ward off cold symptoms. Some research , however, does indicate that zinc can help cut a cold shorter if it’s started early on.

“Research suggests that zinc lozenges can reduce the duration and severity of the common cold when taken within 24 hours of symptom onset, likely due to zinc’s ability to inhibit viral replication and support the immune system’s response,” says Garcia-Benson. “However, more studies are needed to determine the optimal lozenge dosage and treatment strategies.” In addition to supporting immunity, zinc is essential for nume.