Gardeners' World host Monty Don says he 'can't bear' the colder months (Image: BBC) A doctor has shared her tips on how to boost your mood, should you be suffer from Seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The health term is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern, which can also be known as "winter depression". This is due to the fact that symptoms, such as a persistent low mood and feeling sleepier than usual, are more apparent and more severe during the winter months.

Famed gardener Monty Don , 69, knows all too well about depression which once got so bad that his long-term wife Sarah told him she'd leave him if he didn't get help. Read More..

. Experts issue warning as cleaning and tidying trends spark health concerns A doctor has shared tips on how SAD sufferers can lift their mood in the colder and darker months (Image: GETTY) Speaking on Kate Thornton's White Wine Question Time podcast, last year, he said: "I was long ago diagnosed with SAD – there's no question about it, that November and December are always the worst time for me – I can't bear them. "It's a lot to do with the greyness, the lack of light and the general sense of the world just pressing in on you and no energy.

" Recalling his wife's reaction when his moods were at all-time low, he added: "Sarah said to me, 'Look, I just can't take any longer your moods and your black depression, you've got to do something about it because if you don't, I can't live with you – I'll take the childr.