If you're a makeup enthusiast, chances are you'll be using for your makeup brushes and sponges daily. But have you ever paused to consider just how dirty these tools can become? With a recent surge in searches for "how often should makeup brushes be cleaned" — up by 100% in the past month alone — it's clear that more people are beginning to wonder about the hygiene of their beloved beauty tools. Renowned beauty brand Glow Hub , recently teamed up with Dr Gareth Nye, Programme Lead for Medical Science, to shed light on how often you should be washing your makeup tools.

The experts have warned that neglecting this basic routine could cause nasty bacteria and fungus to take root in your makeup bag. READ MORE: I tried Lidl's £8.49 Rosé and I was really surprised According to Dr Nye, dirty makeup brushes are not just a cosmetic concern, they can also be a breeding ground for infection-causing fungi and bacteria, including E.

coli, streptococcus, and staphylococcus. Of all of our favourite makeup tools, eye shadow brushes are the worst offenders when it comes to harbouring bacteria. Dr Nye said: "Makeup brushes are prone to carrying bacteria due to the bacteria that normally reside on the skin being picked up on the brushes and then being allowed to grow and spread.

" He continued: "Essentially the brushes will start collecting dirt, pollutants, oils from the skin and dead skin cells, which act as a breeding ground for bacteria leading to breakouts and skin irritation but pot.