Recent data shared by the government shows that there are over 68,000 people on the sex offenders register in England and Wales as of 19 Feb 2024. This is an increase of 6000 from 2021. There were 34,939 offenders alone in 2009/10.

Unsurprisingly, the staggering amount of predators in our communities can be worrying to many parents and guardians. However, dangerous criminals within our communities can be monitored through Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements used by the police and other government officials. If you are concerned about the safety of a child you could be entitled to find out if there are any registered sex offenders living near you.

What is Sarah's law? Sarah’s Law, officially known as the Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme, was introduced following the abduction and murder of Sarah Payne, eight, by paedophile Roy Whiting, in 2000. The scheme allows people in England and Wales to ask police if someone with access to a child has been convicted or suspected of child abuse. Officers will look into the background of individuals and reveal details confidentially, usually to the parents or guardians, if they think it is in the child's interests.

Applications under Sarah’s Law can be made by anyone, but the police will only inform the person who can protect the child. So, for example, a grandparent may enquire about their daughter’s new partner, but the police would then inform the mother, not the grandparent if the partner was found to have a history o.