Most of us struggle with self-acceptance, always wanting to be somebody else other than who we are. In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with images of perfection, it’s easy to feel inadequate. We are taught to focus on our flaws, believing that we need to change to be liked by others, God, or even ourselves.

You falling ill doesn’t make you diseased. It’s the time to learn to detach our actions from our identity. If you make a mistake, it’s just a mistake, you are not a sinner.

You need to stop poisoning yourself. POISON OF SELF-CONDEMNATION When we condemn ourselves, we miss the chance to grow and mature. Ironically, the more we criticize ourselves, the more we reinforce the ingredients of criticism.

It’s important to remember that making a mistake doesn’t define who we are. Just because you fail at something doesn’t mean you are a failure. You falling ill doesn’t make you diseased.

It’s the time to learn to detach our actions from our identity. If you make a mistake, it’s just a mistake, you are not a sinner. DIVINE VISION TO SEE YOUR WORTH Stop focusing on your flaws and recognise that you are a unique creation of God, and in your creation, God showed his love for you and respected you.

God has not made you accidentally. You’re made with a certain destiny, potential, and glory. God chose you as the vehicle to travel through you.

You are the host; God is the guest. Considering yourself as a sinner condemns God’s beautiful creation. Many of .