Over the ages, Sufi mysticism has found expression in a harmonious blend of all arts. The divine love experienced by the Sufi masters has flowed through diverse means of artistic expression. Their articulation of divine love has intertwined with poetry, music, calligraphy and even architecture.

There is a reason for this. From the perspective of the Sufi masters, the arts are the embodiment of metaphysical precepts in visual and auditory manifestations. Though all the creations of the Sufi masters greatly fascinate the senses, the objective is not entertainment.

Their motive is to enchant and captivate the human consciousness so that it can be raised to the realization of the Divine. The great masters transcended the conventional language of theology and philosophy. In their awareness and in their overarching consciousness of the Divine, the great masters did not limit the compass of human experience.

There is underlying messaging and purpose in Sufi symbolism. The Sufi masters led the path beyond the veil of material appearances. The vision of the Sufi mystics was always to expand human awareness and enable it to find fulfilment in the path of the Divine.

In order to communicate the higher truths, the Sufi masters evolved a language of architecture which would constantly celebrate the Almighty. The great masters evolved a language of music which would weave the Sema to lift the soul to higher realms of human experience. The revered masters evolved the art of calligraphy to f.