M anaging Victory while the world burns. The British Olympic Association has an impressively large selection of mottoes and taglines at its disposal. Even its main competition handle, “Team GB”, is basically a cool slogan, a mid-90s rebrand of UK plc’s Summer Sport division.

Beyond this we have a full roster, many already safely trademarked: Believe in Extraordinary. Pride the Lion. The Lion Awakens.

Patriotic Lion Alternatives For A Brighter British Tomorrow. On closer inspection the last couple of these may in fact be taglines for the current spume of British nationalist movements which, in an unfortunate coincidence, tend to have the same kind of vibe, vocab and big cat imagery. But it isn’t hard to see how some of these slogans could get a little mixed up in practice.

For members of the British press at these Olympics, Managing Victory has been the key Team GB buzz phrase, the subject line of regular daily emails giving Team GB details of the latest Team GB results. Over the past week, however, those Managing Victory emails have tended to pop up sandwiched between quite a lot of other GB-related inbox content. More Riots Planned As Three Jailed For Violent Disorder was one typical subject line beneath a Managing Victory note about yet more Team GB medal success on the bike track.

Inside The Far Right As Riots Wreak Havoc Across UK made an interesting counterpoint to some breathless Managing Victory news about Team GB’s mixed triathlon gold medalists. And by now .