From to expensive , Canada certainly has its share of problems, but there are also several reasons to love living here. For example, according to a recent report, Canada ranks fifth globally for its and has a happiness index rating of 6.9 out of 10.

If you love to travel, here’s some great news: the Canadian passport is also the seventh most powerful passport this year, beating the US, which ranked eighth. Canadian passport holders can access 187 countries without needing a visa, getting an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA), or obtaining a visa on arrival, compared to 185 last year. And it seems that people who live here know how good they’ve got it.

So when one user asked, “What’s the best thing about living in Canada that you wouldn’t trade for anything?” people were quick to share what they think makes The Great White North so great. “Hearing at least seven different languages while I walk down the street in Toronto and the corresponding cultural richness, food offerings, and diversity in music and art” — “As a visible minority turban-wearing Sikh, I feel at home in Canada, sometimes even more than in my birthplace. I know there are racists and bigots in every race and community, but that’s just a small percentage of people” — “Diversity (go ahead and roll your eyes) but travel to places where it’s a homogeneous society like Japan, and you realize how great it is that we are made up of people from all over the world.

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