Quick Links The costs of flight diversion What the flight diversion compensation rules are like in different parts of the world A common thread? A week or so ago, an American Airlines flight was diverted as a passenger was found vaping . Vaping and smoking on flights violate US federal law and multiple flight safety statutes. A month ago, a report showed that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had passed over 43 cases involving unruly passengers to the FBI .

These cases involved instances ranging from breaching the cockpit to assaults. Passengers enjoy more rights after rule changes in April and are entitled to refunds and, normally, meals and accommodation. Although the number of unruly passengers has decreased over the years, one still has to wonder who bears the costs of diversions that occur because of such passengers.

And another question follows: Are passengers entitled to compensation? The costs of flight diversion According to the Bureau of Transportation and Statistics , only 0.32% of flights in the US were diverted in June 2024. Inclement weather conditions (for flying) are the biggest reasons why flights are diverted.

A series of turbulence experienced by various airlines in recent times are examples that demonstrate how clear air turbulence is on the rise. There has been a 55% rise in annual duration of severe turbulence over the last two decades, reported aviospace.org .

In light of these numbers, the instances of diversion due to unruly behavior might be .