Disney Plus subscribers have been urged to buy physical media “before it’s gone”, coming after a viral clip of Lilo and Stitch revealed a strange change on the streaming platform. In the original version of the movie, Lilo’s sister finds her hiding inside a clothes dryer, so she climbs out. However, if you stream it on Disney Plus , it’s not a dryer, nor is it an oven (despite the pizza box): it’s just a cabinet.

“Someone has clearly been editing Lilo and Stitch,” a viral video (shared on X/Twitter by luckykidtay ) claims. Did Disney edit Lilo and Stitch? Yes, Disney changed Lilo and Stitch..

. but this edit was made long before Disney Plus. Imma warn yall again yall better start getting physical media before it’s gone pic.

twitter.com/sepB2j2O0y If you remember the dryer scene from watching the film in cinemas or on DVD, you’re not mistaken: it was intact in theaters and its first-ever physical media release. However, for future releases (special editions, collector’s bundles, Blu-rays, etc), Disney changed the dryer to a cabinet.

It’s never been formally acknowledged, but the reason is obvious: execs didn’t want kids to climb into their tumble dryers and injure themselves. “The scene was even cut from broadcast showings when it aired on Disney Channel. It wasn’t the pizza box though, rather it would fade to black when Nani leans on the wall and fade back in with Lilo trapped in the bedsheets, avoid it he scene entirely,” one Redditor claims .
