‘s first set, The First Chapter, was released in August 2023, but despite the massive appeal of Disney’s plethora of characters and movie universes to me as a dad who has watched pretty much every one of their movies, I never picked the TCG up. However, when I asked manufacturer Ravensburger what the best way to get into the game was, it told me that the Shimmering Skies set has changed everything with a brand new Gateway Box that helps you learn the game and prepare to master it. changed a fair bit since launch with the new mechanics and characters added in each set.

While the main appeal of any TCG is ripping booster packs and seeing what pulls you get, with being the best in this one, if you want to really get into a TCG, you need to learn how to play it. What’s in the box? Inside the Shimmering Skies Gateway box, you get the following. This is all you need to get started in the world of .

Note that the decks and rewards packs are set and don’t contain any Enchanteds or extremely rare cards that you might be hoping to pull for from booster packs. This box is designed to teach you how to play, not make you rich. Once you’ve opened the box, the guidebook tells you everything you need to know.

It outlines your first several games by explaining the basic rules of playing with a few card types omitted to keep things simple. This is the most bare-bones version of the game that only uses character cards. From there, you need to follow the ‘quests’ in the rulebook.
