is a joyful trading card game. Beyond the initial adrenaline rush of opening new booster packs, for those players who grew up watching Disney films, there’s an added wave of fun, nostalgia, and recognition that comes with discovering new characters. In a pack, you might find Winnie the Pooh as a honey-powered wizard.

You might find a giant Tinkerbell getting revenge on Captain Hook. For my fellow and pals, you’ll find representation for Jim Hawkins, Morph, Milo, and Kida – and in a mainstream game! According to , brand manager and co-designer of , it’s that sense of pure joy and shared connection the Ravensburger design team aims to evoke with this swiftly-growing TCG. “If we’re making smiles, that’s the influence I want,” Miller told .

“I want to make smiles. I want to bring people together. That’s my favourite thing.

” Designing The idea for the game began simply: Ravensburger wanted to further expand its storied relationship with Disney, with a new project initially codenamed . Having previously worked at Wizards of the Coast ( ), Miller was well-familiar with TCG design – but had reservations about designing a new TCG in an increasingly crowded market. “I’ve worked on many trading card games, and so I know that it is a very tough market to make a splash in.

It is difficult ...

and so my initial feeling was a bit skeptical, I have to admit. I had talked a few companies out of doing trading card games in the past, when I was consulting with them.�.