Dapper Delights update marked the release of and her restaurant alongside the grand finale for the Rift in Time expansion. However, as you dive deeper into the game’s new content, you’ll catch a glimpse of a peculiar pair of villains, possibly alluding to the introduction of these characters in future updates or a second expansion. During the Rift in Time expansion’s finale, you’ll and finally confront him on his plans to take over the world by spreading time rifts around Eternity Isle.

By completing the expansion’s story and rolling credits, you’ll find a foreshadowing image of Maleficent and Hades, the antagonists of Sleeping Beauty and Hercules, respectively. While there’s no further context on why, exactly, these images are here, we can make a few speculations on what this means. The first possibility is that these two antagonists will have a joint story in a second paid expansion.

Rather than tackling one main villain, these two may tag-team in a grander scheme in another world, with us, the protagonists, working with other characters to handle both villains simultaneously. It could also allude to the possibility of only one of these characters arriving as a villain, with one as a villager similar to Scar, Mother Gothel, and Gaston. It’s even possible that both characters will be our friends rather than foes.

While this would make things slightly jarring considering their personalities, it wouldn’t be the first time a villain became our friend. As of no.