Families have reacted angrily after being told to remove certain items from the graves of their loved ones. In July, Arun District Council’s cemeteries team wrote to a number of grave-owners at Littlehampton cemetery in Horsham Road about “non-permitted items” being placed on graves and in some instances overlapping adjacent graves. The council said it asked that all items be contained within the permitted grave space and that non-permitted items be removed after concerns were raised by some grave owners.

Jane Key has now started a petition against what she described as “disrespectful behaviour” and said people should be allowed to put what they want on the graves of their loved ones. “The letter states that no fences of any material, no plastic and no stones or chippings and that all these had to be removed, they will be checking again in August and anything that’s not meant to be there they will personally removed,” she wrote on Change.org.

“This is disgusting behaviour, we should be allowed to put whatever we want with our loved ones on their forever bed, I could understand if it was a mess and left but most of them up there are very well looked after. “People have complained as ornaments have been broken by the grass cutters so why are we not allowed to fence it off so ornaments aren’t being broken?” More than 700 people have signed. Leigh Pedder wrote on the petition: “People pay a lot of money to purchase a plot for their lost loved ones.

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