TRAIN travel has seen a surge in popularity with the growing emphasis on slow travel and making a holiday more sustainable, as latest government data shows a 155 per cent increase in passenger rail journeys last year. VisitScotland’s has a campaign to encourage people to enjoy train travel by promoting a route that connects all of Scotland’s historic cities by train, through some of the country’s most breath-taking landscapes – rolling green hills, gorgeous lochs and majestic mountains. 8 Hop on the train to explore all of Scotland Credit: John Kirkby - The Sun Glasgow 8 Take in the stunning views from Edinburgh Castle and explore the city 8 If the sun shines, enjoy a day at Kelvingrove park and art gallery Credit: Alamy 8 Linlithgow Palace is worth a stop Credit: Alamy The City Hoppers Route showcases how easy it is to connect and explore the country by train - whether you have a long weekend or are after an extended stay.

Depart from Glasgow , after exploring the city’s museums, galleries and parks and enjoying its many restaurants and bars and head to Edinburgh passing iconic landmarks like Linlithgow Palace, used for many film and TV productions, including Outlander . In Scotland’s capital admire the architecture and the multiple attractions it has, including the new Port of Leith Distillery for the ultimate experience of Scotland’s national spirit or visit the National Galleries of Scotland with its newly refurbished Scottish gallery if you’re an art love.