Cookbooks, like memoirs and nonfiction novels, provide vital insight on how humans do what they do best—live their lives. The passing down of recipes, whether written or unwritten, is as old as time. A new cookbook, , honoring one of the oldest cuisines in the world—Assyrian cuisine—highlights how ancient and unique this Middle Eastern gastronomy is and grants anyone the opportunity to enjoy over 4,000 years of rich culinary history in their very own kitchen.

's Ramsen Shamon interviewed the cookbook's author, Matay DeMayee, about the process of compiling his illiterate mother Smuni Turan's recipes in hopes of safeguarding her cooking for generations to come. They discussed some of DeMayee's favorite recipes, while also addressing the dark chapters of modern Assyrian history mentioned in the cookbook. Assyrians are Indigenous to the Middle East and have been persecuted throughout their contemporary history due to their distinct ethnic identity and Christian religion.

This historical family cookbook shares a matriarch's story of leaving her homeland for Europe, while showcasing the originality of Assyrian cooking to the world—a cuisine that is seldom if ever given any attention on the international stage but has always been the blueprint for other cuisines. The time is ripe to celebrate and pass on Assyrian cooking with , an essential addition to any kitchen. You can pre-order at .

A_It's an introduction to the culture and history of the Assyrians, also known as Syriac.