A disabled man was able to go onto the beach for the first time at a “moving” ceremony which saw the opening of a new seafront project. Bexhill beach garden is the brainchild of former mayor Lynn Langlands, who noticed that many people were using the promenade and beach for exercise and to improve wellbeing. She said: “I realised that this was something to promote going forwards, and as we have a town where a number of our residents have mobility issues, my thoughts were to build a garden on the beach.

“It was also an opportunity to recognize the wonderful aspects of nature that are found on our beach and make a small statement for preserving this special environment we have on our doorstep.” The garden is designed to improve access to the beach for people with mobility issues (Image: JTP53 Photography) The project, organised by environment charity Community Supporters and Bexhill Environment Group, is designed to increase biodiversity, slow coastal erosion and improve accessibility to the beach. On Saturday November 9 a soft opening of the beach garden was held to mark the completion of the structure including a ramp, boardwalks and 'lily pad' style decking areas.

By popular demand the charity chose to open the access to the beach, prior to the full completion of the project. A more formal opening is planned for next Spring once planting is completed and educational boards and seating is installed. Bexhill beach garden will be fully completed next year (Image: JTP5.